Bush's Manassas


New member
Sep 21, 2004
It was supposed to be over in a day. It was supposed to be at best a token battle. So confident were the citizens of Washington DC, so trusting in the official assurances of swift and easy victory that they hitched up their horses and carriages and rode out to the hills overlooking Manassas. They took with them picnic baskets, fruits, wines, and juices, desiring refreshment while they watched General McDowell advance the Union Army against the Confederates. It was to be great sport, well worth the watching, and later, the re-telling. There could be little doubt of the outcome. The Union Army was larger. The Union Army was better equipped. The Confederacy was short of steel works, and many of their guns were made with brass components, which wore out quickly and would not take heavier caliber loads. All went well until late afternoon on the 21st of July, 1861, when Confederate forces flanked the Union Army and drove them into retreat. The retreat turned into a rout.

As Lincoln watched the remains of the Union Forces arriving back into Washington DC, he realized that what had been assumed to be a short battle was going to turn out to be a very long and very costly war, even if victory was eventual.

History repeats itself.

The invasion of Iraq was sold to the American people as an easy victory over a weak foe, weakened in fact by the United Nations sanctions and disarmament. No worry, short war, your kids are safe and will be home in a few weeks. Tune in to CNN for the latest videos of fireworks tearing through people's homes. Not to worry, you won't be shown the torn bodies of the children. You need your full attention for those commercial breaks for beer, snacks, and diet soda; refreshments while watching the fun.

Only, it isn't fun any more. Our kids are being captured, crippled, and killed. The mighty US military has been brought to a standstill in the desert, and kicked out of Basra. Casualties are higher than publicly predicted or public admitted. The defenders have shown surprising resilience to invasion.

It was supposed to be a show, an entertainment, bloodless and lossless conquest in prime-time, only it did not turn out that way.

Now we know how the spectators at Manassas felt as they followed the defeated Union Army back to Washington DC in 1861. Even though victory is eventual, we now know what the war will really cost.

"When in doubt, do it!" Fatty Arbuckle
Sep 21, 2004
Just some interesting similarities...

1. Cabal of oldsters who won't listen to outside advice? -- Check
2. No understanding of ethnicities of the many locals? -- Check
3. Imposing country boundaries drawn by Europeans, not by the locals? --Check
4. Unshakeable faith in our superior technology? -- Check
5. France secretly hoping we fall ? -- Check
6. Russia secretly hoping we fall ? -- Check
7. China secretly hoping we fall ? -- Check
8. SecDef pushing a conflict the Joint Chiefs of Staff never wanted? --Check
9. Fear we'll look bad if we back down now? --Check
10. Corrupt White House? -- Check
11. Land war in Asia? -- Check
12. Right-wing unhappy with outcome of previous war? -- Check
13. Enemy easily moves in/out of neighboring countries? -- Check
14. Soldiers about to be dosed with "our own" chemicals? -- Check
15. Friendly-fire problem ignored instead of solved? -- Check
16. Anti-Americanism up sharply in Europe? -- Check
17. B-52 bombers? -- Check
18. Helicopters that clog up on the local dust? -- Check
19. In-fighting among the branches of the military? -- Check
20. Locals who cheer us by day, hate us by night? -- Check
21. Local experts ignored? -- Check
22. Local politicians ignored? -- Check
23. Locals accustomed to conflicts lasting longer than USA has been a country? -- Check
24. Against advice, Prez won't raise taxes to pay for war? -- Check
25. Blue-water navy ships operating in brown water? -- Check
26. Use of nukes hinted at if things don't go our way? -- Check
27. Unpopular war? -- Check

What do you know about Vietnam? If you were alive at the time, you were probably in Canada!
Do yourself a favor and shut up - and try to act like a grown up!
Sep 21, 2004
You are fairly ignorant yourself, buddy. Come into a thread and contribute nothing, sit down and flame, flame.

Were you in Nam?

got some news for you, you CAN know history without living within it. It's called 'study'. Try it sometime.
"It's called 'study'. Try it sometime"

Radio, stop is RIGHT NOW. BBLight's hero, Duyba, clearly said we NEED to cut education spending so we can drop bombs on children & cut taxes for the wealthy.
Dammit Radio - there is NO ROOM for stupid stuff like education under this Administration.

Get back in line for the Kool-Aid.
Sep 21, 2004
Yes! I was in Vietnam!

The interesting thing about the internet is that you can be whoever you want to be, whether you have the background or not.

I see that war didn't enlighten you.
Education spending? For what, the system spends more money and the kids learn less - how about some standards - you don't have to spend money on standards - just hold teachers and students accountable for them!
Lander, The mainifesto is getting old and out of date - maybe you should try a little more class warfare!
Radio - I think you're a liar!
Where? When? What outfit?
Tell me that, and maybe I'll believe you (unless you're name is Kerry)
"Lander, The mainifesto is getting old and out of date -"

What manifesto? The manifesto on education spending? That's why we're cutting spending on education - we want everyone to be a stupid as you & Mr. Bush, plus this way we can bomb more Iraqi children & cut the taxes for the wealthy.
What more could you want?
Sep 21, 2004
I was quoting you, numbnuts....

and yes, I think that you're either
A) full of it.
B) completely gone in the head.
Just as I thought - your handle should be cluelessincostarica.

Lander - are you really that uneducated that you don't know the manifesto that the rest of your ilk follow. I know - you'll copy my words and try to make it seem like I'm the problem - but it's really you.
Just get used to the Republicans being in power. You leftists had your try - now we have to clean up the mess you left us.

Standards in education - not money
Punishment for the criminal - not rehabilitation.
Work for the needy - not welfare.
Marginalize the KKK and ACLU - they stive on attention - ignore them.
Responsibility above all else - "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country".
"I know - you'll copy my words and try to make it seem like I'm the problem - but it's really you."
Hey, if you can't even stand by your own words then who can? If you said something stupid (like threatening to kick the crap out of people over the internet) then own up to it or appologize for it. Address your words, do not down play them.

"Just get used to the Republicans being in power. You leftists had your try - now we have to clean up the mess you left us."
I'm actually an Independent, as unlike you I tend to believe more than 2 options exist.
For you it's white/black, good/evil, liberal/conservative, for me it's a case by case analysis of the issue at hand.

I support the conservative anti-abortion stance. I support oil drilling in Alaska. I do NOT support aggresive/preventive war policies that slaughter innocent people.

"Standards in education - not money"
How about both?

"Punishment for the criminal - not rehabilitation."
How about both?

"Work for the needy - not welfare."
Not so simple. I'm all for workfare, but there is (I haven't checked lately) what - 5% unemployment rate? It is possible that there are more people than jobs. If your party CAN (not say they can) manufacture jobs (not through military aggression) then I applaud them.

"Marginalize the KKK and ACLU - they stive on attention - ignore them."
Extremists, both sides have them, neither side wants them. Agreed.

"Responsibility above all"
Very abstract. You'll need to elaborate and be specific if you want to justify this statement.
I give up - I can't stay angry at you when you have me laughing! I guess my best bet is to stay out of this joke forum and ignore you! At least my blood pressure will improve.

Constantly insulting opposition is clearly shows more intelliegnce than, say, actually defending your postion or engaging in an debate.

The continuous insulsts are very childish for a man in his 50's (remember you did claim to fight in the Vietnam "War").

I suppose when one has nothing of value to say, it is better to not say anything, right Bill?
Sep 21, 2004
i wouldn't say that the aclu is the diametric opposite of the kkk...perhaps the sybionese liberation organization or the weathermen...but the ACLU?

Bblight...you are so hateful...i regret to inform you that we are not the cause of your stress...go on vacation.
Read some. Paint. Rejoin the army. I'm sure they'll appreciate your insight.

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